Wednesday, February 7, 2007

In the not so limelight

Its interesting to see how office politics work. I'm an It guy by day so I have to live with it all the time. Friday is an interesting day because we (all of the employees here) will get to find out if and how much our bonuses are. Now we've always known bonuses around here are as much about who you know and how well you get along as your job performance. However what makes it even better is the fact that each person's bonus is tied to what they delivered (at least here in IT) during the previous year, in this case 2006.

Where this gets interesting is management actually decides what we work on as well as when the projects will get off the ground. Ironically, the project I've been "working" on this year is so far behind (18 months to be exact) that we actually didn't deliver anything. The reason for this wasn't because we slacked or were behind on coding. We are that far behind because management (on the It side and the business side) could not agree on business requirements. The requirements for this project have changed, changed, and changed again.

So the question is will those of us on this project not get a bonus? It's interesting (and scary) to think that my financial well being is in the hands of people that seem to be oblivious to it.

I'll let everyone know how it goes.

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