Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Welcome to OfficeGab Office Politic Blog!

Oooh do we love office politics or what? Just as I think my company is the only one out there loaded with politics, it only takes asking one of my friends to see the expanse of it all. This blog is dedicated to the subject of office politics. We hope to cover, how to deal with them, how to play the game, and hopefully a number of funny personal stories along the way.

With that in mind, we are a community site so please feel free to leave comments on any article you choose. If you'd like to contribute to OfficeGab, please email us at MarcsBlogs@Gmail.com with the subject of OfficeGab contributor. Likewise, if you'd like to tell a funny story or joke related to office politics please also email us at MarcsBlogs@Gmail.com with the subject of OfficeGab story / joke submission.

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